Journey to Intimacy:
A Tantric Journey for Couples

A series of private sessions to take you into the next stages of intimacy

💓 Are you finding it hard to make time for quality moments together?

💓 Are you looking to rekindle the spark in your relationship?

💓 Does your sexual routine feel repetitive?

💓 Do you avoid intimacy due to fear of it leading to sex?

💓 Interested in exploring Tantra to enhance intimacy?

💓 Want a private and exclusive Tantra Workshop experience?

Tantra is a spiritual practice that originates from ancient India, which involves weaving together the physical and spiritual aspects of our lives. It encourages us to experience life fully and consciously, and in the context of relationships, it can help deepen the connection between partners.

In these private tantra couple sessions, we’ll explore various aspects of tantra, including the art of slowing down and being deeply attuned with one another, breathwork, meditation, and different forms of touch and intimate massage. We’ll also delve into intimate communication and active listening, helping you to better understand and connect with your partner.


These sessions are designed to enhance your relationship by fostering deeper intimacy and understanding. By learning to slow down and truly connect with your partner, you can transform your relationship and sexuality. This work is important because it not only strengthens your bond with your partner but also promotes personal growth and self-awareness.


Remember, this is a journey of exploration and discovery, and every couple’s experience with tantra will be unique. I look forward to guiding you on this transformative journey.

How does it work? What’s the structure?

 4 meetings, 3 hours each.

One off private session – like the workshop – tools taken from the world of Tantra, Yoga, Mindfulness – learn tools that you could incorporate in the comfort of your home and integrate into your day-to-day intimacy. Breathwork, meditation, various forms of touch, Wheel of Consent, presence, intimate communication / active listening…clothed, no touch to genitals.

Setting up altar, establishing boundaries and safety, creating intentions for the session, massage, integration. Reflection and wrapup.

Setting up altar, establishing boundaries and safety, creating intentions for the session, massage, integration. Reflection and wrapup.

A couple of new exercises. Recapping the progress and experiences from the previous sessions, highlighting your growth and improvements. Help you create a personalized intimacy ritual (based on what you connected to most) that could be used as regular practice in order to maintain your connection.

* If you purchase the complete package, the first session would be the first of four sessions. If you’ve already attended my group workshop and want to dive deeper, we’ll be exploring more in-depth exercises, establishing boundaries and safety, doing various activities together, giving you tools to already take home and practice until our next session, in-depth chakra exploration/activation (your choice), more deeply exploring various forms of sensual touch.

In this space, we’ll explore:

❤️ Different Forms of Touch

❤️ Boundary Work - Wheel of Consent & Desires/Fantasies

❤️ The Art of Slowing Down

❤️ Active Listening

❤️ Intimate Communication and Different Languages of Love

❤️ Exploration of Human Vibration

❤️ Connection to Sensations / Emotions

❤️ Tools from the world of Tantra and Conscious Sexuality to take home with you


For Couples

✨ Couples who’ve been to my Tantra Beginners Workshop or another Tantra workshop and desire to take it deeper.

✨ Couples who want individual attention and holding of their exploration.

✨ Couples who want a therapeutic focus for whatever may come up in the sessions.

✨ Couples who wish to slow down and change their sexual routine.

✨ Couples who understand sexuality is an ongoing unfolding journey.

✨ Couples who want to rekindle the spark they had when they first met.

✨ Couples who are up for a different kind of adventure.

✨ Couples who are looking for new experiences.

Book Your Journey Now

Single Session

3 Hours - 1800 ₪

10% discount until end of September with code LOVE10

Experience a deeply enriching 3-hour private tantra session designed to enhance your personal and relational well-being. This single, focused session provides an opportunity to explore powerful tools from Tantra, Yoga, and Mindfulness, including breathwork, meditation, touch practices, and intimate communication. 


You’ll gain practical skills to integrate into your daily life, relationship/s, and sexuality, allowing you to explore and deepen your sense of connection and presence in both everyday interactions and intimate moments.

Four Sessions

4 X 3 Hours - 6840 ₪ 7̶2̶0̶0̶

5% discount when ordering 4 sessions

In these four sessions, you’ll receive 12 hours of personal guided work. It’s a long term investment that’ll enrich your relationship and everyday life. It’ll help you feel more energetic and alive, in the bedroom and in your day-to-day living.


* Available on weekend

* 1st and 4th session – in the clinic

* 2nd and 3rd session – option at your home, if it’s within an hour drive (travel expense will be added)

If you have any questions or just want to talk, contact me via WhatsApp / Call

What’s my involvement during the session?

🌸 I don’t touch or get involved in any way in the sessions. I’m there holding space, staying clothed, guiding and holding the space. There are no threesomes.


🌸 Under no circumstances do the sessions involve physical penetration – penis in vagina, fingers in any holes.


🌸 I will leave the room for 10-15 minutes so you can be on your own to explore.


🌸 I, as a therapist, together with you, will be building a safe environment to go deep with this exploration. Boundaries are thoroughly discussed and committed to adhere to. Privacy and confidentiality are important – whatever is discussed / explored in the session remains private. I bring a very open, nonjudgmental attitude toward whatever your desires or needs may be.


🌸 Discussing intimate topics is a normal and healthy part of therapy. I’m here to help facilitate any difficulties or challenges that may come up in the sessions as we navigate through the different exercises.


🌸 These sessions are about mutual exploration and enjoyment. There’s no pressure to perform or achieve specific outcomes. I wish for you that you leave feeling more connected, having gone deeper in your intimacy, and reignited some passion in your relationship.


🌸 I will give you exercises to take home with you and practice until our next meeting. These will be in order to help you incorporate and integrate them into your day-to-day intimacy.




I worked with Ruthi to explore past traumas… Ruthi really helped me unwind a lot of it using somatic techniques that were new to me and were very helpful for the process. I feel like I have made some very positive progress and I am very grateful for Ruthi’s guidance and professionalism, especially with some very sensitive topics.

Maya & Amir


"So we’re now a week after our final session with you and we just wanted to say (again) a huge thank you! At the beginning during our one on one sessions, you helped me learn a lot about my body and the connection with it (or lack thereof). Through the meditation, TRE exercises, breathing exercises and more, I now feel more in touch with myself. During our sessions I realized how important it was to bring my partner into the picture and have him come also to sessions to help us work on our communication skills.

With the tools we gained from you, we learned to communicate on a much better level, including being more in touch with what we’re feeling, how to be with each other even when we’re having a tough time, and all in all since our communication improved, so did our sexual and intimate life. With your help, we’re a lot more open and communicative, we have more energy and movement between us, and we can’t thank you enough for everything!"

Ricki Silber


"Before working with Ruthi, I had a tremor that was interrupting my life for about a year and a half. It was uncontrollable and made me feel weak, vulnerable, and flashback, not to mention it physically hurt my back to convulse so voilently. It would show up at any point, or when I felt slightly stressed and it would leave me feeling embarrassed and out of control. I was starting to come to terms with having the tremor for the rest of my life, or going on epilepsy medication- even though I knew it was a PTSD symptom.

Ruthi told me that the tremoring was a beautiful way the body naturally releases trauma and taught me TRE, a method that uses tremoring in an intentional and safe way. After just three TRE sessions, my spontaneous tremoring ended, and I was able to start controlling the intensity in which I got to process trauma through. My spontaneous full body tremoring localized to a very subtle one in my lips that is unnoticed by others and pain free. The full body tremoring gets to be invited in a safe way on the mat with TRE which allows me to have a relationship with whatever comes up instead of being overcome by it. I still practice TRE multiple times a week and it’s an amazing tool to have. I am so grateful to have control over my body again while still being able to process the stored trauma and release things when things come up. I might be an extreme case but everyone has something locked in their systems, and the freedom and spaciousness TRE gives is amazing. Thank you Ruthi for everything you do!"

My name is Ruthi Forer and I'm a VERY curious person.


As a dedicated Somatic Practitioner, my commitment lies in assisting you to foster a deeper connection with your body, alleviate tension, and cultivate effective strategies for stress and trauma management. A significant part of my work involves empowering you to connect deeply with yourselves, enabling you to make clear, self-aligned decisions and navigate through your relationships.

Specializing in Sexuality, Tantra, Trauma/nervous system regulation, and Yoga Therapy, my approach is transformative and empowering. I firmly believe in the inherent healing ability within each individual and see my role as a guide in helping you unlock this intrinsic potential. The focus here is on you and how I can support your journey towards self-discovery and healing.

My Approach

My approach blends Yoga Therapy, Embodiment Yoga Principles, Sex Therapy (conversation), dynamic tools from Tantra Therapy, meditation & mindfulness, breathwork, TRE – Tension Releasing Exercises, Nonviolent Communication, Focusing, Family Constellation, Polyvagal Theory, and other somatic (body) approaches.


 I offer in-person sessions in Jerusalem, Jaffa, and Tel Aviv as well as online. I accompany people on a journey to self-healing with these techniques, not only reserved for the field of sexuality.

I take a holistic approach, believing we are an organism comprised of many parts that interact with and influence each other. I am a curious person, empowering you to access your own inner healer and find your own voice and authenticity. I believe in authentic communication and being in touch and attunement with you and your individual pace.


I work deeply, going to the root of the symptoms. I believe whatever issues you’re facing, whether they be illness, physical symptoms, relationship issues, career path, etc, are just presenting symptoms of something far deeper. I help you uncover childhood wounds, patterns, and ways of behavior that are embedded in us, learning how to create and embody real change. 


Our work together might confront you and will probably be challenging, and that’s okay! Everything is on the table to openly discuss. I believe the therapist-client relationship is an important one, a microcosmic of what you’ve got going on outside. 


There’s no quick fix in healing. It takes time. I believe in “more is less”. Our nervous systems are delicate and need time to process and integrate change. You can sign up for a 10-session process with a very specific goal, but I recommend dedicating yourself to a journey, however long that will take. Because we are working with the body, the process is generally very effective. But it very much depends on you participating in the process. 


It’s a cooperative journey, where the dedication and time that you put in will affect the outcome.

Education and Experience

  • Certified Tantra Therapist with David Cohen Zedek (Masaot Halev) – מרכז אישתר – אומנויות האהבה והתפתחות התודעה
  • Tibetan Tantra Workshop with Sanand Lev-Esh 
  • Somatic Sex Therapist with Noga Maivar and Maoz Yakov – התוכנית למיניות בגישה סומטית
  • Navigating the Nervous System – Polyvagal Theory in clinical practice with Deb Dana, LCSW
  • Family Constellation with emphasis on intimate relationships with Noga Maivar– Module I and II
  • Focusing with Noga Maivar
  • TRE® Advanced Provider – TRE for ALL, Inc. A Not-For-Profit 501 c3
  • ISTA Level 1 graduate – International School of Temple Arts
  • Neurogenic Yoga with Maria Alfaro– (TRE® + Yoga)
  • Yoga Therapist – over 2,000 hours of continued education in Yoga Therapy, Yoga for Sexual Trauma, Yoga for a Happy Back, Trauma Sensitive Yoga etc…
  • Nonviolent Communication with Michael Finkel and Yoram Mozenson
  • Meditation, breathwork, mindfulness, Buddhism
  • Facilitating workshops for 8 years and assisted at many weeklong intensive events, holding space, supporting
  • Dynamic clinic in Jaffa & Jerusalem since 2019 helping people heal from trauma through the body, helping people with a myriad of sexual and relationship issues.
  • Certified Reflexologist with Laura Norman

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